Akasha: The Fifth Element

When first hearing the word Akasha, I thought of Anne Rice’s character in “Queen of the Damned” but that is just a character and not what Akasha is at all. I see Akasha as the fifth element that is the binding force of all of the elements. I also see it as being all around us and in us. It is also often called Spirit. It is the most used of all of the elements because it is found in all of the elements so each time one of the elements is used you are also using Akasha. In fact, Akasha is found in everything everywhere, including us and some say it is the spark in our soul. It is the record of all that has happened and all that might be so any spell we do cannot be reversed without some change that took place. It is the binding force between the other four elements. It is the source of all energy so it is both projective and receptive energy. It represents the power of change and the realm of potentiality, it is organization and chaos all at once. It is something simple, but also something complex. It is there, but then it’s not. It gives us hope for the future and it also gives us hindsight.

The belief of it comes from the Hindu and they saw it as the first element and the sky symbolized it. The season for Akasha is the whole wheel, the whole year because it is in everything and the beginning and end of everything and everything in between. It is North and South, East and West because it is everywhere. And it is up, down, center, in, out, left, right because it is all directions but also no certain direction. Some say it is the beginning, middle, and end of our lives and where our souls go to be reborn. The symbols of Akasha are the cosmos and infinity since it is never ending but it is also a black hole where nothing is. The plants and trees that symbolizes it is the Mistletoe and the Almond tree when it is blooming. Even though no one tool corresponds with it since all tools work with the energy, the tool that connects with it the most is the cauldron. The animals and creatures that correspond with it is none but then all of them since it is in everything. And again the herbs that correspond with it are all of them, but also none of them, the energy is in all of them. Spirit is both male and female and it’s said to be the mother of the other four elements. The Gods that represent it are Akasha, Iao, and JHVH. The Goddesses that represent it are Isis and Shekinah. The colors that represent it are purple and black. Purple represents the psychic abilities and black because it is the combination of all colors. Some see it as also being the color white since it is the timeless and pure essence. The symbol for Akasha is the star which one of the oldest symbols that man has ever used. On the pentagram, the top point represents the spirit which is Akasha, and the circle around the pentagram also is said to represent it because it pulls all of the elements together. It is the spark of inspiration that is in all of us, it gives us hindsight and foresight and it never judges. It gives us our hopes for tomorrows and the promises of the future. We can not control it, but it is with us in everything we do, and with each intention, we send forth. It has no form, taste or smell so some have difficulties connecting with it. But with each action, we take we use the energy of Akasha since it is in everything of this world and beyond. We all use it with each action we take if it is magical or not. When we do natural magick we don’t directly use it, but because of its importance, we should always recognize it and give it respect. Akasha can help you find enlightenment and your path, with it, it will guide you to spiritual knowledge and help you to see and understand what you need to. Again it is something simple but also complex, it is in everything but also in nothing. It can guide us if we want to find our way and it gives us endless possibilities for the future. Since I started to learn about Akasha on my journey, my knowledge has broadened a great deal. I just feel that now I have a deeper understanding of Akasha/Spirit.

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